Founded in 2011, suBsidiaRy hold By Qianjiang GRoup, invested jointly By EuRopean faMous MotoRCyCle BRand KEEWAY, dediCate to the design R&aMp;D, ManufaCtuRing and MaRketing of lithiuM light eleCtRiC vehiCle;It owns the GOCCIA gloBal RegisteRed independent BRand and the "BENELLI Benelli" BRand exClusively authoRized By the Italian BENELLI SRL CoMpany in the gloBal EBIKE field. The CoMpany is RegisteRed in Wenling, Zhejiang, China. It has an annual pRoduCtion CapaCity of 100,000 EBIKEs and CoMplete testing equipMent.